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Android devices with backdoored firmware found in schools

Android devices with backdoored firmware found in schools

Yes, it is true that Android devices with backdoored firmware have been found in schools. In 2023, a cybercriminal operation called BadBox was discovered to have infected over 70,000 Android devices with malware, including smartphones, CTV boxes, and tablets. Some of these devices were found in public school networks in the United States.

The backdoor malware, called Triada, was injected into the firmware of these devices before they were shipped to retailers. This means that the devices were already infected when they arrived at the schools.

Triada is a modular trojan that can be used to steal data, install other malware, and take control of devices. It is very stealthy and difficult to detect.

The fact that Android devices with backdoored firmware have been found in schools is a serious concern. Schools are supposed to be safe places for students to learn and grow, but the presence of malware on school devices could put students' privacy and security at risk.

School districts need to be aware of this threat and take steps to protect their devices. This includes keeping software up to date, using strong passwords, and implementing security solutions such as firewalls and antivirus software.

Parents and students should also be aware of this threat and take steps to protect their own devices. This includes keeping software up to date, using strong passwords, and being careful about what apps they install.

Here are some additional tips for protecting Android devices from malware:

  • Only download apps from trusted sources: Only download apps from the official Google Play Store or from trusted app stores such as the Amazon Appstore or the Samsung Galaxy Store.

  • Be careful about what permissions you grant to apps: Read the permissions carefully before you grant them to an app. Only grant permissions that are necessary for the app to function.

  • Keep your software up to date: Make sure that your Android device's operating system and all of your apps are up to date. Software updates often include security patches that can protect your device from known vulnerabilities.

  • Use a mobile security solution: Install a mobile security solution on your Android device to protect it from malware and other threats.

By following these tips, you can help to protect your Android device from malware and other threats.

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